White Clawed Crayfish

Despite once being common and widespread in British rivers and stream, white-clawed crayfish numbers have declined dramatically by at least 70% across the UK since the 1970s. This decline has been even more severe in Hampshire.

They are currently threatened with extinction due to pollution, habitat loss and, most prominently, the spread of invasive crayfish species, such as North American signal crayfish, which carry crayfish plague, a disease that is deadly to our native species.

The presence of white-clawed crayfish indicates a healthy ecosystem as the freshwater invertebrates require clean, well oxygenated and nutrient-rich waters.

What can you do to help White Clawed Crayfish

Write to our local MP, Danny Chambers, tell him how important nature recovery is to you.  Tell him to continue to support and promote the Climate and Nature Bill, this landmark bill aims to reverse the damage done to nature like White Clawed Crayfish.  Click here to send Danny a secure message.

Sewage pumped into our rivers by falling water companies, such as Southern Water, is putting all river wildlife in danger.  Join campaigns such as Surfers Against Sewage to make a difference.