Waking the Giant

On Thursday 21st March, Professor Bill McGuire is making a return visit to Winchester with a free talk based on his bestselling book which explores some unexpected impacts of the climate crisis.

Bill is a professor emeritus of geophysical and climate hazards at University College London and a previous member of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. He has advised governments around the world on climate change avoidance and mitigation.  

His talk, Waking the Giant, will provide a unique perspective on the climate crisis. Based on sound science and geological evidence Bill will warn of climate change-induced earthquakes and tsunamis.  Bill will consider whether we are on track to bequeath to our children and their children not only a far hotter world but also a more geologically fractious one.

Waking the Giant is on Thursday 21st March 7pm at St Peter’s Church hall.  It will be followed by an opportunity for questions and discussion, accompanied by refreshments.   Tickets are free and available by searching for the event on Eventbrite.